《UX in the Jungle》是一款充滿代入感、且節奏明快的團隊合作/競爭桌遊教具。玩家們在桌遊中扮演新創手機遊戲公司裡的用戶體驗設計團隊成員,透過教具親身體驗產品開發專案的種種挑戰、培養大局觀。遊戲設計脈絡清楚流暢,玩家就算沒有相關背景,一樣可以在思考策略、勾心鬥角、人算不如天算中完整體驗產品開發的酸甜苦辣!
The "UX in the Jungle" Game System teaches how to create apps and the roles of different UX job functions in that process. Through strategic planning and fierce competition, anyone can experience all the ups and downs of software development!
手機遊戲市場的快速成長已超過許多分析師的預期。黑熊與花鹿兩家軟體公司為了不錯過這賺錢的好機會,也各自決定成立開發團隊來試試這叢林裡的水溫。身為黑熊/花鹿公司使用者經驗設計團隊的一員,你的任務是開發出滿足目標客群並替公司賺大錢的手機遊戲。然而...... 老闆只願意給你們九個月的時間,賺不到錢就得回家吃自己!
Seeking new opportunities in the mobile games market, two software companies, the Bear Group and Deer Group, decide to start small business units to test the waters. As a member of the UX design team for one of them, you must help your company earn the most revenue by launching mobile games that satisfy user needs in an evolving marketplace.
How will you survive the jungle?
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